Ways to Reduce Pet Stress at the Vet

Regular veterinary exams are important for all pets to live long, healthy & happy lives! Our veterinarians recommend all pets, even indoor cats and pets that appear healthy, have an annualexameach year (twice a year for senior pets) to help us help you identify problems before they become serious.
We realize coming to the veterinarian can be stressful on your pets (and you). Here are tips to help make your next visit easier on you and your pet:
Introduce your pet to a crate or kennel before it comes time to travel to the vet.
- Bring the carrier out ahead of time to become accustomed to it. Leave the door of the open so they can explore as they please. Reward if enters the crate.
- Go on fun rides and reward with treats during and after.
- Once your pet accepts the crate, the crate can be used to transport your pet to and from our vet clinic.
- Consider placing stress-reducing products in or around the carrier (ask us forour recommendations).
Hiding Places
Pets might feel comfortable when they can hide. Provide a blanket in the crate to hide under or to cover and give your pet a sense of protection.
- Consider placing stress-reducing products on the blankets (ask us for our recommendations).
Car Rides
Place your pet's crate in the floor of the front seat to provide a visual barrier as well as calming white noise from the engine running.
- Safety belts specially adapted for dogs are also available.
- If your pet gets car sick, ask us about strategies to alleviate the symptoms.
Practice session
Call ahead to our vet clinic to find out when there is a quiet time to visit. During the visit, your pet can calmly walk around the building and exam room. Use treats and positive praise with your pet as you tour around.
Bring your pet's favorite treats/toys to give them something positive to focus on during the visit.
Come hungry
Pets will be more receptive to treats given at our vet clinic if hungry.
Call us for questions or additional tips to make your next vet visit stress-free!